Awards Description

Best Teacher Award

PFGF recognizes the role of teachers in shaping up the personality of the fisheries graduates. In order to honour the noble services rendered by distinguished faculty members of all fisheries colleges under the SAUs and CAU. This award is given for every four years, solely based on the feedback of the students who take up the BFGI examination from the respective college. 

Mode Of Selection

The criteria used is that the teacher must have received a minimum of 10% of the votes from the total number of students who have taken the examination from the respective college and should have been elected at least twice during the four years reference period.

Eligibility Criteria

Teacher must be leading an exemplary character on and off the campus that should influence students. Students would judge the teacher by class room teaching, coverage of course content, regularity, effectiveness of teaching, use of teaching & audio-visual aids, development of course materials, professional recognition, involvement in student welfare activities and other co- and extra-curricular activities. Honesty, integrity, conduct, character and ability to get along with the colleagues, students and others are part of evaluation questinnaire.